Saturday, July 14, 2012


        The AK47 is one of the few weapons of the iron mongering age that i believe has, and will stand the test of time... So what is the AK47, and where did it come from? What has it accomplished? These are a couple questions I will try my best to answer for you along with some other controversial topics that have lead people to question it's effectiveness in aspects of war, hunting, and self protection. I hope all of you gun fanatics out there will atleast gain a sense of respect for this weapon, and maybe even grow fond of it...
        Let's start with the History of this fine piece of machinery.The name AK47 was derived from two main reasons, First Because it was invented in 1947"(Hint...Hint)", Secondly Because AK is an acronym for automatic Kalashnikov,(Avtomat Kalashnikova) in its origional Russian tongue. The inventor of this weapon is Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov. He, along with other members of the Red Army(Soviet Union) had grown tired of using the poor quality service rifles of that era. He set out to develop a piece of technology that History would never forget. I feel its worth mentioning that he holds an Advanced Degree of Doctor of Technical Science. The AK47 was "First Equipped" in 1956 by the Red Army as a standard issue rifle and since has become modified and used by most militaries around the world "Atleast once anyways." It is considered to be one of the most DURABLE weapons ever invented due to its ability to function under some of the "Harshest" Enviroments worldwide. I have read that the AK47 is one of the best starting rifles for youth because of this reason, However i do not recommend pouring mud into the machinary as seen on telivision "laughing." The fact of the matter is that it has been used by more nations defences than any other gun, "(If it walks like a duck, Sounds like a duck...etc)"
        At this point we are all wondering why anyone would give this weapon a bad review right? Well I've got to be honest I've owned a handfull of these weapons in my life, Saiga, Romanian Wasr, And a Yugo, And I have learned That there are a sum of fairly, if not more effective weapons in the world. The American Colt M16 is a fine example. it shoots a 223 or 5.56 caliber round and is far more accurate, Granted it was invented closer to present day.Well the AK47 has a counter for that and is called the AK74, however thats a whole different weapon and isnt really valid in this text. What The 7.62x39 Caliber (AK47) doesn't have in accuracy, It makes up for in shear force. It is capable of bringing down an elephant and can penetrate a quarter inch of carbon steel. Which is why it's not a horrible weapon to hunt with, I personally use mine as a primary hunting rifle and I can validate that there is no animal in the U.S that you can't obliterate with one hollow point round. Please don't take that out of context I don't spend my free time testing the firepower of weapons on innocent animals I just use it to feed myself and my family with seasonal game.
        I Believe that because the AK47 is so efficient it is mass produced...leading to these highly capable guns "landing" in the hands of so called...."bad" people. It is commonly found in violent murders involving everyone from gangsters to terrorist, And The standard police officer doesn't exactly have an "armed" advantage if shootouts occur with these types of weapons. I Highly doubt Mikhail ever intended for his weapons to come across the hands of war waging rebels and such. With the 30 round clip and fully auto capablities it has a high chance of deterring burglars, and other people with "not so socially accepted" behavior traits. I like to apply the better safe than sorry saying here.
        In the hands of a responsible Gun Owner this Firearm is sure to bring you a lifetime of enjoyment, And as much safety as satisfaction. I defenitely recommend it to people who have never fired one, Or are just as intrigued as me by them and want one. It has lasted a half a century because of its effectiveness in all of these aspects and I have no doubt it will stand the test of time. Below I have added a couple of pictures to help you identify the weapon, and the genious behind it. Thank you for listening.

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